Johanna Nordlander, Department of Physics, Harvard University, USA
Johanna Nordlander is a postdoctoral researcher in the Physics Department at Harvard University, USA, in the group of Prof. Julia Mundy. She completed her PhD in 2020 from the Department of Materials at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, where she worked in the group of Prof. Manfred Fiebig. Johanna holds a M.Sc. in Engineering Nanoscience since 2016 from Lund University, Sweden. Her research interests are centered on epitaxy of complex oxide thin films in order to realize ultrathin oxide electronic heterostructures with enhanced functionality. Her work includes using in-situ nonlinear optics to probe the evolution of polar states in various ferroelectric oxide layers during the thin-film synthesis. She has especially focused on the manifestation of improper ferroelectricity in the ultrathin regime and continues to explore the coexistence of such unconventional polar states with other functionalities in epitaxial quantum oxide materials.
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