Women in ferroelectrics from different corners of the world
Thursday, June 30, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
The four panelists will discuss their experiences studying and working in the different countries that they have come from and/or that they have been to. We will hear about their backgrounds and labs, and then there will be a panel discussion. A light lunch will be provided. Both women and men are invited and encouraged to attend!
Sylvia Gerbhardt
(Fraunhofer IKTS)
Johanna Nordlander
(Harvard University)
Ilona Zamaraite
(Vilnius University)
Debismita Dutta
(Tyndall National Institute)
Lynette Keeney (Tyndall National Institute)
Hana Uršič (Institut “Jožef Stefan”)
Please let us know if you plan on attending this free event using this survey.