S. Salahuddin is the TSMC Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California Berkeley. His work has focused mostly on conceptualization and exploration of novel physics for low power electronic and spintronic devices. Salahuddin received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientist and Engineers (PECASE) from President Obama. Salahuddin also received a number of other awards including the National Science Foundation CAREER award, the IEEE Nanotechnology Early Career Award, the Young Investigator Awards from the Airforce Office of Scientific Research and the Army Research Office, and the IEEE George E Smith Award. Salahuddin is a co-director of the Berkeley Device Modeling Center (BDMC) and Berkeley Center for Negative Capacitance Transistors (BCNCT). Salahuddin is also a co-director of ASCENT, which is a flagship device technology effort in the US, jointly supported by SRC and DARPA. He served on the editorial board of IEEE Electron Devices Letters (2013-16) and was the chair the IEEE Electron Devices Society committee on Nanotechnology (2014-16). Salahuddin is a Fellow of the IEEE and the APS.
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